Business Restructuring Review
- Second Circuit Issues Key Cramdown Interest Rate Ruling
- Cross-Border Bankruptcy Update: COMI Migration and Illegitimate COMI Manipulation Distinguished
- In Brief: First Circuit Rules That Section 1109(b) of the Bankruptcy Code Creates an Unconditional Right to Intervene in an Adversary Proceeding
- Ninth Circuit: Federal Law Governs Substantive Consolidation, and Supreme Court’s Siegel Ruling Does Not Bar Consolidation of Debtors and Nondebtors
- To Have and to Hold: Third Circuit Rules That Physical Possession of Goods Is Required Under Section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code
- Third Circuit Rules That WARN Act’s "Unforeseeable Business Circumstances" Exception Requires That Layoffs Be Probable, Not Possible
- In Brief: Bankruptcy Court Rules That It Has Constitutional Authority to Grant Nonconsensual Releases in Chapter 11 Plan
- Chapter 11 Plan Not Providing for Payment of Make-Whole Premium Impaired Noteholders
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