White Collar Defense Do's and Don'ts For Meeting With DOJ (Law360)
Early appointments and pronouncements by the Biden administration confirm what white collar practitioners have been expecting: The next few years will see a spike in white collar regulatory and criminal enforcement, especially involving securities, money laundering, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
In modern corporate investigations, prosecutions rarely proceed without pre-charging negotiations between the U.S. Department of Justice and defense counsel, and the anticipated spike in enforcement renders these kinds of negotiations more crucial than ever.
Writing for Law360, Jones Day partners Scott Brady, Andrew Lelling, and Brian Rabbitt draw on their experience as federal prosecutors to share suggestions for how best to approach meetings with senior DOJ decision makers in white collar matters, and explain how counsel can maximize the odds of a favorable outcome.
Reprinted with permission from the June 18, 2021 issue of Law360. © 2003-2021, Portfolio Media, Inc. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.