Women in IP Speaker Series: Can You Keep a Secret? Choosing between Patent Protection and Trade Secret Protection
Jones Day Silicon Valley Office
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. PDT
and via Webinar
Lunch will follow the in-person program.
One of the challenges in protecting valuable innovations is determining the best vehicle for providing long-term, enforceable, and cost-effective protection. Please join us for the first installment of our 2023 Women in IP Speaker Series, which you may attend virtually or at our Silicon Valley Office.
This program will cover what you should consider when deciding between seeking patent protection and keeping intellectual property a trade secret. These considerations include the following:
- How long the protection will last;
- Costs involved in obtaining and maintaining it;
- Venues for enforcing the rights; and
- Challenges and costs associated with enforcement.
Our panel will discuss the pros and cons associated with both potential vehicles and will share tips and best practices for making an informed decision, then executing that strategy effectively.
We hope you will be able to take part in this informative event.
- Jennifer Bennett, Partner, San Francisco
- Patricia Campbell, Ph.D., Partner, Silicon Valley
- Nisha Mody, Ph.D., Managing Director, Intensity, LLC
- Rita Yoon, Partner, San Francisco
For more information, please contact us at womeninip@jonesday.com.