
Class Actions_Part 5_SOCIAL_2400354

Class Actions Worldview: Part V—Argentina, Brazil, and Taiwan

Although class actions have been common in the United States for decades, they have not been as widely used in the rest of the world. The situation and risks remain in flux, however, as more countries have renewed momentum to enact class actions or class action-like procedures—sometimes without key procedural safeguards that exist in U.S. class proceedings. Jones Day has one of the largest and most successful groups of defense-side class action practitioners in the world. Building on the experience of litigators in 40 offices on five continents, this Guide examines new developments and risks in class action procedures around the globe (in particular, in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, England and Wales, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, The Netherlands, and Taiwan), and assesses the common trends and differences among respective national laws. It is our goal that, armed with these insights on class action trends, companies operating across the world can understand, assess, and manage class and collective litigation risks in the global marketplace. 

In Part V, we examine class actions activities in Argentina, Brazil, and Taiwan.

Previously in the series:  

Part I: The United States and the European Union

Part II: Italy and Spain

Part III: Australia, Germany, and France

Part IV: China, Japan, Belgium, The Netherlands, and England and Wales

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