Jones Day advises Minneapolis on transformational change to city policing
On March 31, 2023, the city of Minneapolis and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) filed a 144 page settlement agreement in state court that will fundamentally change the way Minneapolis police engage with its citizens. Jones Day advised the mayor and city attorney to negotiate this groundbreaking settlement agreement that is enforceable by court order.
Under the terms of the agreement, the city will be under court-ordered supervision for at least five years. The agreement requires increased training; accountability; changes in use of force and stop, search and frisk policies; and improvements in data collection and technology.
The Jones Day team includes partners Yvette McGee Brown and Jordan Matthews; of counsel Richard Deane and Antoinette Ellison; associates Rebecca Kline, Christina Mastrucci Lehn, Allison McQueen, Trevor Parkes, and Sharnell Simon, and other lawyers from across the Firm who for the past two years as part of the investigation reviewed discipline and investigation reports, body-cam footage, and Minneapolis Police Department policies and procedures. In the end, the Firm contributed nearly 14,000 pro bono hours, valued at more than $8 million, towards this achievement.
After the announcement of the agreement, and in recognition of Ms. McGee Brown's extraordinary contributions, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey presented her with a proclamation declaring March 31, 2023 "Yvette McGee Brown Day" in the city of Minneapolis.
"This historic agreement is a testimony to Jones Day's culture and tradition of providing long-term pro bono commitment to societal and legal challenges of great importance, and I could not be prouder of the team that worked on this matter or the results they have achieved for the city of Minneapolis," said Jones Day Managing Partner Greg Shumaker.
Following George Floyd's murder in May 2020, Jones Day immediately engaged with the city of Minneapolis to offer support to business and community leaders. The Firm provided legal assistance to review police labor contracts, police discipline backlogs, and responses to state and federal investigations. Jones Day continues to represent the city in the ongoing Department of Justice investigation into Minneapolis' policing practices. These representations are a part of the Firm's Constitutional Policing and Civil Justice Reform Initiative, which is led by Kevyn Orr, Partner-in-Charge of the Firm's U.S. Offices, and was created in June 2020 to further the Firm's commitment "to advancing the rule of law, specifically the impact of policing in minority communities."