Experian files complaint against Lexington Allen L.P. and Lexington Realty Trust asserting breach of contract, fraud, and related claims regarding lease amendment
Client(s) Experian Information Solutions, Inc.
Jones Day represents Experian Information Solutions, Inc. ("Experian") in a lawsuit filed against the landlord of the property, Lexington Allen L.P., and its parent company, Lexington Realty Trust, asserting breach of contract, fraud, and related claims in connection with a 2008 amendment to the lease agreement of a property leased by Experian located in Allen, Texas. Experian alleges it is entitled to over $5 million for improvements made to the property. No trial date has been set yet.
Experian Information Solutions, Inc. v. Lexington Allen L.P., Lexington Allen Manager LLC, and Lexington Realty Trust, Case No. 4:10-CV-00144 (E.D. Tex., Sherman Div.)