
NOM-006-STPS-2014 on Health and Safety Conditions in the Handling and Warehousing of Materials Takes Effect in Mexico

NOM-006-STPS-2014 on Health and Safety Conditions in the Handling and Warehousing of Materials Takes Effect in Mexico

On March 11, 2015, NOM-006-STPS-2014, "Handling and Warehousing of Materials—Health in the Workplace and Safety Conditions" ("NOM-006") came into effect in Mexico, replacing existing NOM-006-STPS-2000.

Like its predecessor, the new NOM-006 aims to establish the safety and health conditions in all work centers where the handling and storage of materials is carried out (either through machinery or by hand) in Mexico, in order to avoid risks for workers or damages to facilities. NOM-006 includes certain new provisions, including: 

  • A significant decrease in maximum weight to be carried by men, from 50 kilograms ("kg") to 25 kg; for 14–16 year old minors, from 35 kg to 7 kg; and for women, from 20 kg to 10 kg.
  • New requirements for the handling of materials through machinery (slings, hoists, and forklifts, among others), including the development of programs and procedures with specific requirements for such effects.
  • New requirements for the handling of materials by hand, taking into account the workers' physical characteristics, the intensity and frequency of the required activities, the body position, and possible impacts to posture while executing the corresponding activities.
  • New safety measures applicable to the warehousing of materials, including warehouse characteristics and warehousing procedures and alternatives.
  • New surveillance procedures of workers' health to be implemented by the employer.
  • The development and implementation of health and safety training programs, including their content and characteristics, among others. 

In accordance with NOM-006, surveillance of compliance with its terms may be carried out by independent authorized verification units. 

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