Women in IP Speaker Series: IP, Advocacy, and Dispute Resolution in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CST
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. PST
Via Webinar
Login details will be provided prior to the event.
Just as 2023 proved to be generative AI's breakout year, 2024 marks a shift towards the recognition that GenAI is here to stay — even as the law and technology continue to change.
Please join us for a webinar exploring some of the risks, challenges, and opportunities facing organizations, courts and arbitrators, and legal advocates in the age of artificial intelligence.
Among our distinguished panelists will be the Honorable Bridget M. McCormack, President and CEO of the American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution and previously Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and Diana G. Santos, Senior Counsel, IBM Consulting, Global Generative AI Lead.
Participants in the webinar will come away with a better understanding of some of the novel issues and strategies they will need to consider in this evolving legal, regulatory, and technological space.
We hope you will be able to join us for this informative event.
For more information, kindly contact us at womeninip@jonesday.com.
- Hon. Bridget M. McCormack, President & CEO, American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution
- Diana G. Santos, Senior Counsel, IBM Consulting, Global Generative AI Lead
- Emily Tait, Partner, Intellectual Property
- Lily Zhang, Partner, Intellectual Property
This program has been approved for 1.00 hour of general credit by the State Bar of California and 1.00 hour of areas of professional practice credit (including transitional credit) by the New York State CLE Board. Jones Day is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider, as well as an accredited provider in New York. No credit will be issued for Minnesota in accordance with Minnesota CLE Board Rule 5.B. Pennsylvania credit is not available for this program. Application for CLE credit in other states will be made as needed, subject to state CLE regulation.
Recording Notice: This event, including all voice, video, screen presentations, chat text, and other visible and audible elements shared by participants through the webinar service, will be recorded. At the time of joining the recorded session, you will be asked to agree to the recording before being admitted to the session. You may contact the organizer with any questions about how the recording will be used and to request information on available accommodation, if any, of your participation in the virtual session.