Max Kober advises clients in matters involving intellectual property law, with a focus on litigation.
Max has significant experience in patent and trade secret litigation as well as in trademark, design, and unfair competition law. Many of his cases are complex cross-border litigations involving numerous parties on different levels of the supply chains and require coordination across various jurisdictions. Max's practice also includes preliminary injunctions and enforcement of intellectual property rights during trade fairs and through custom seizures.
The clients he represents are active in a broad range of industries, including telecommunications, software, automotive, med tech, life sciences, and consumer products.
In recent years, Max litigated trade secret cases with a value of several hundred million euros. He further led a number of patent litigations against major telecommunication carriers and software companies.
Additional Publications
Publications Prior to Jones Day
April 2015
Article on the Kochgefaess (cooking vessel) decision by the German Federal Court on January 13, 2015, which was published in Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte.
- University of California, Berkeley (LL.M. with high honors 2016; Certificate in Law & Technology); State of Bavaria (Second State Examination 2012); University of Munich (First State Examination 2010)
- Federal Republic of Germany, all German District Courts and Courts of Appeals, German Federal Patent Court (BPatG), German Patent and Trademark Office, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in nullity appeal proceedings, and Unified Patent Court (UPC)
- German, English, Spanish, French