Jeffrey A. LeVee (Jeff)


Los Angeles +

As the head of the litigation practice in the Los Angeles Office, Jeff LeVee focuses on antitrust litigation, health care litigation, and complex business and antitrust counseling. Jeff has successfully litigated and arbitrated matters in courts and other administrative bodies throughout the United States. The clients he represents include health care providers, pharmaceutical companies, retailers, telecommunications companies, manufacturers, and technology companies.

Jeff has successfully defended dozens of class action lawsuits. He recently led the defense of Sutter Health, a hospital system in Northern California, in an antitrust case alleging that Sutter restrained competition via its contracts with insurance companies. After a month-long jury trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict in Sutter's favor. Jeff also obtained a successful jury verdict in an antitrust action involving a certified consumer class against Macy's, and he successfully represented Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in a seven-week jury trial (affirmed on appeal) in an antitrust lawsuit involving an alleged group boycott. Jeff has defended nearly all of the litigation and adversary proceedings brought against ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) since Jones Day assisted in the formation of ICANN in 1998, including a successful Ninth Circuit decision in 2015 dismissing antitrust and other claims against ICANN.

Jeff was an active member of the ABA Antitrust Section's leadership between 1997 and 2018. He served twice on the Council of the Section, and he served terms as chair of the Trial Practice, Civil Practice & Procedure, Global Private Litigation, and Spring Meeting Committees.


  • RE/MAX enters into nationwide settlement resolving antitrust claimsJones Day's client RE/MAX, LLC entered into a nationwide settlement involving lawsuits related to commissions in residential real estate transactions.
  • Sutter Health wins complete defense verdict in landmark antitrust class actionJones Day won a complete defense jury verdict for Sutter Health in a landmark antitrust class action seeking $1.2 billion in treble damages.
  • ICANN protects trademark rights in domain name spaceJones Day assists The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to ensure that its trademark rights are protected in the domain name space.
  • ICANN obtains favorable judgment in lawsuit brought by DotConnectAfricaJones Day successfully defended ICANN (INTERNET CORP. FOR ASSIGNED NAMES & NUMBERS) against a lawsuit filed by DotConnectAfrica Trust (DCA) after ICANN denied its application for the top-level domain name ".AFRICA" for failure to demonstrate the necessary level of government endorsements.
  • Presbyterian wins Tenth Circuit affirmation of favorable summary judgment in antitrust lawsuitJones Day successfully defended Presbyterian Healthcare Services in antitrust litigation based on allegations that Presbyterian had violated federal and state antitrust laws by monopolizing the private health insurance market and by attempting to monopolize the comprehensive oncology services market.
  • ICANN obtains advice in highly publicized decision regarding proposed sale of .ORG registryJones Day successfully advised ICANN in conjunction with its highly publicized decision over whether to reject the proposed sale of the .ORG registry on the Internet to a private equity firm that had offered to pay over $1 billion for the registry.
  • Non-profit corporation cancels contracts with convention venues and hotels due to coronavirus pandemicJones Day is assisting a non-profit corporation in the cancelling of its contracts with convention venues and hotels in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • ICANN advised in connection with governance reform and transition of IANA functionsJones Day advised Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in connection with the successful completion of the transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions from the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration to ICANN.
  • ResMed successfully resolves antitrust litigation brought by competitorJones Day represented ResMed Corp. in connection with antitrust litigation brought by 3B Medical, Inc. alleging monopolization and exclusive dealing.
  • ICANN prevails in Ninth Circuit appeal of landmark ruling dismissing TLD monopolization claimOn July 31, 2015, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the landmark decision by a federal district court in the Central District of California to dismiss with prejudice's monopolization claim against Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"), a long-time Jones Day client.
  • Procter & Gamble resolves nationwide class actions related to marketing for Crest Sensitivity & Protection ToothpasteJones Day represented The Procter & Gamble Company in connection with a number of nationwide class actions alleging consumer fraud related to the marketing and distribution of Crest Sensitivity & Protection Toothpaste.
  • Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital jury verdict in antitrust case affirmed on appealIn April 2012, after nearly seven weeks of testimony and just over a day of deliberations, a jury in Santa Barbara, California, returned a complete defense verdict in favor of Jones Day client Cottage Health System, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, and four local neurosurgeons.
  • Healthways represented in federal antitrust litigationJones Day represented Healthways, Inc. in federal antitrust litigation involving fitness and wellness benefits.
  • Dollar Thrifty Automotive defends antitrust litigation related to California rental car pricingJones Day represented Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group in antitrust litigation alleging a conspiracy among car rental companies relating to the pass-on of a surcharge authorized by the California Travel and Tourism Commission.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim successfully defends appeal of summary judgment in California antitrust actionJones Day represented pharmaceutical manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in an antitrust action brought by California pharmacies claiming that Boehringer Ingelheim and other drug companies conspired to inflate drug prices in the United States and keep lower-priced Canadian drugs off the market.
  • Arctic Glacier resolves federal antitrust class action litigation involving packaged ice industryJones Day defended Arctic Glacier, Inc. against federal antitrust class actions by direct purchasers against several U.S. packaged ice companies, alleging conspiracy to fix prices for packaged ice.
  • Albertson's successfully defends California AG antitrust litigation related to labor union negotiationsJones Day defended supermarket chain Albertson's, Inc. against antitrust claims asserted by the California Attorney General in connection with a "mutual strike assistance agreement" that Albertson's entered into with Vons and Ralphs, two other grocery store companies.
  • TMC HealthCare defends temporary nurses' antitrust class actionJones Day successfully defended TMC HealthCare in connection with an antitrust class action alleging a conspiracy to depress the wages paid to temporary nurses.
  • HCA's West Hills Hospital and other hospital defendants win affirmance of summary judgment in Southern California nurse wage antitrust class actionJones Day obtained summary judgment, upheld on appeal, on behalf of HCA affiliate West Hills Hospital in an antitrust class action alleging that hospitals conspired to depress nurse wages throughout Southern California in violation of the Cartwright Act.
  • Sutter Health obtains dismissal of unfair pricing caseSutter Roseville Medical Center and Sutter Health have been represented by Jones Day in a claim of unfair business practices for pricing to accident victims treated at Sutter Roseville's trauma center since 2005.
  • Additional Speaking Engagements

    • October 22-24, 2018
      Antitrust Judicial Law and Economics Institute For Judges
    • November 10, 2016
      Current Developments in Health Care Antitrust Litigation, panelist, Los Angeles County Bar Association Antitrust Section
    • March 2012
      The Antitrust-Labor Interface: Not Just for Pro Athletes, panelist, ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
    • February 9, 2012
      Agreements Among Competitors to Share Revenues During a Labor Dispute Under California v. Safeway, panelist, Los Angeles County Bar Association lunch program
    • February 15, 2011
      California's Kwikset Decision and Its Effect on Standing and Monetary Recovery Under California Unfair Competition Laws
    • January 22, 2009
      Current Issues in Class Action Litigation
    • March 26, 2008
      Jury Consultants in Antitrust Litigation
    • April 20, 2007
      Roundtable Conference with Enforcement Officials, moderator, ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
    • September 20, 2005
      Health Care Executive Compensation Under Fire:  How to Survive the Onslaught
    • March 2005
      March 2006
      Hot Topics (panel moderator), ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
    • March 2004
      Primer on Jury Instructions in Civil Antitrust Cases, ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
    • February 2004
      Evaluating Economic Testimony Under the Daubert Standard, The Conference Board's Annual Antitrust Program
    • October 2003
      Trial Strategies, panel moderator, ABA Section of Antitrust Law Antitrust Litigation Course
    • October 2003
      The Use of Economists in Large Antitrust Cases, panel moderator, ABA Section of Antitrust Law Antitrust Litigation Course
    • October 2003
      Pending Legislation - Diversity Jurisdiction Rules in Class Actions, ABA Program on Class Actions