Sid Pepels litigates and advises on commercial and international insolvency matters, with a focus on complex restructurings and insolvencies. He regularly represents and assists court-appointed trustees and administrators in cross-border liquidations and reorganizations.
The high-profile cases on which Sid has recently litigated and advised include the cross-border WHOA (Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord) proceedings concerning Vroon Group and Diebold Nixdorf, proceedings on behalf of expropriated SNS Reaal bond holders against the Dutch State, the bankruptcy of Intertoys (the leading Dutch toys retailer), the restructuring of Oi (the Dutch finance vehicle of the Brazilian telecom giant), and the insolvency of PaperlinX Holdings B.V. (a global paper distributor).
Sid regularly publishes on European and international insolvency law topics and and has obtained his Ph.D. degree at Radboud University, where his research focused on cross-border restructurings of multinational groups of companies under the EU Recast Insolvency Regulation. He is a board member for the Netherlands Association for Comparative and International Insolvency Law and a NextGen member of the International Insolvency Institute.
Additional Publications
- December 11, 2024
Restructuring groups of companies under the European Insolvency Regulation (recast) (Ph.D thesis) - July 20, 2022
Het Nederlands internationaal groepsinsolventierecht - cause for concern?tijdschrift Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) - June 7, 2022
Group Coordination Proceedings under the Recast EIR in practiceEuropean Insolvency and Restructuring Journal - June 2021
One for all, and all for one? On cross-border CoCo in group insolvencies under the Recast EIR and the existence of an ‘overriding group interest’, European Insolvency and Restructuring Journal - December 2020
Defining groups of companies under the European Insolvency Regulation (recast):On the scope of EU group insolvency law, International Insolvency Review 2020 - January 2020
De WHOA als instrument voor (grensoverschrijdende) groepsherstructureringen, Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht 2020/1-2 - March 9, 2019
Kronieken Vermogensrecht 2018-2019, Advocatenblad 2019/7, p. 61-80 - October 2018
Het internationaal insolventierecht in beweging, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2018/51 - September 2018
Kronieken Vermogensrecht 2017-2018, Advocatenblad - April 2016
Companies in financial distress and the position of their employees under labor law (Ondernemingen in financiële moeilijkheden en de arbeidsrechtelijke positie van hun werknemers) - a research report by the Research Centre Business & Law of the Radboud University
"His strong grasp of the law and strong interpersonal skills allow him to ensure that the best outcome is reached for all stakeholders."The Legal 500 Netherlands
- Radboud University (Ph.D. in Cross-Border Insolvency Law 2024; Research Master in Business & Law [LL.M.] 2015)
- Netherlands
Recognized in The Legal 500 Netherlands:
"Jasper Berkenbosch and Sid Pepels are creative thinkers, client-minded and simply very nice people to work with."
"Sid Pepels is able to bring people together. His strong grasp of the law and strong interpersonal skills allow him to ensure that the best outcome is reached for all stakeholders."