The Climate Report
The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.
In this issue:
U.S. Regulatory Developments
"California's Greenhouse Gas "Cap and Trade" Program Survives Legal Challenge"
"EPA Finalizes Third Phase of Greenhouse Gas 'Tailoring Rule'"
Climate Change Issues for Management
"Virginia Supreme Court Confirms Denial of Insurance Coverage in Climate Change Suit"
"Rio+20 Conference on Sustainability Attracts Greater Corporate Involvement"
Renewable Energy and Carbon Markets
"FERC Proposes New Accounting and Reporting Rules for Energy Storage"
"New FERC Mandate on Grid Integration Provides Potential Boost to Renewable Energy"
Climate Change Litigation
"Federal Appeals Court Upholds EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regulations Under Clean Air Act"
Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.
"United Nations's 'Rio+20' Conference Produces Few Concrete Commitments"
"Japan's New Feed-in-Tariff System for Renewable Energy"
"Australian Enforcement Initiative Targets Claims Over New Carbon Permit Scheme"