The Climate Report
The Climate Report is a periodic newsletter that examines some of the topics affecting the field of climate change.
In this issue:
"President Obama Announces Climate Change Strategy for Second Term"
U.S. Regulatory Developments
"President Obama Targets Power Plant Emissions in New Climate Change Plan"
"Nominee for FERC Chairman Supports Demand Response and Energy Efficiency"
"California Considers Significant Changes to Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program"
Climate Change Issues for Management
"Insurance Industry Think Tank Turns Attention to Climate Change"
"Voluntary Bank Lending Principles Now Include Consideration of Climate Change"
Renewable Energy and Carbon Markets
"The Saudi K.A.Care Program: A Multitude of Opportunities"
"Maryland Adopts New Recovery Mechanism for Offshore Wind Energy"
Climate Change Litigation
"D.C. Circuit Strikes Down EPA's Exemption for Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Biomass"
"Global Warming Tort Litigation Suits Come Closer to Final Resolutions"
Climate Change Regulation Beyond the U.S.
"India Releases Draft National Offshore Wind Energy Policy"
"China Kicks Off its First Emissions Trading Scheme"
"EC Carries Out Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Proceedings Against Chinese Solar Panels"