Carlota M. Domínguez

Staff Attorney

Madrid + 34.91.520.3957

Carlota Domínguez posee más de 15 años de experiencia asesorando a clientes en asuntos relacionados con litigios civiles y en arbitraje internacional. Representa a clientes en disputas relacionadas con acuerdos comerciales, defectos de construcción y asuntos de contratos de agencia y distribución. Asimismo, presta asesoramiento en casos relacionados con instituciones financieras, responsabilidad de los consejeros, competencia desleal y procedimientos concursales.

Carlota ha trabajado para grandes compañías nacionales e internacionales de diversos sectores, tales como construcción, energía, servicios financieros, industrial, telecomunicaciones y medios de comunicación, ante las diferentes jurisdicciones e instancias judiciales.

Más recientemente, Carlota ha asesorado con éxito a una empresa panameña que invirtió con capital español, como demandada y demandante reconvencional, en un arbitraje CCI relativo a un contrato de ingeniería, adquisición y construcción (EPC) en la construcción de túneles en dos plantas hidroeléctricas en Panamá.


  • Euroclear acquires Banco InversisJones Day advised Euroclear SA/NV in its acquisition of Banco Inversis, a leading provider of global investment technology solutions and outsourced financial services.
  • Orange and Masmovil combine in €18.6 billion mergerJones Day advised Orange, S.A. ("Orange"), one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, on the combination of their telecom business in Spain with Masmovil, one of the leading telecommunications operators in Spain, for an enterprise value of €18.6 billion (€7.8 billion for Orange Spain and €10.9 billion for Masmovil).
  • Macquarie Asset Management acquires 50% shareholding in Island Green PowerJones Day advised Macquarie Asset Management ("MAM"), via Macquarie Green Investment Group Renewable Energy Fund 2 ("MGREF2"), in its acquisition of 50% of the shares in Island Green Power Limited, a UK-based renewable energy developer focused primarily on the development of utility-scale solar plants.
  • Spanish industrial company defends against annulment proceedings before Paris Court of AppealJones Day represented a Spanish industrial company in annulment proceedings brought by a Latin American Government against an UNCITRAL but ICC administered award on jurisdiction issued by a Paris-seated arbitral tribunal and successfully dismissed all of the State's arguments.
  • Voestalpine pursues unfair competition and intellectual property rights claimsJones Day represented voestalpine Signaling Siershanhn GmbH ("voestalpine") in an unfair competition lawsuit against a former shareholder and the legal entity he set up while he was still working at voestalpine for undue use of trade secrets, breach of a non-compete obligation, and unfair competition.
  • Spanish company arbitrates dispute surrounding wind power plant in GreeceJones Day successfully represented a major Spanish company in an ICC arbitration relating to a contract dispute over wind power plants in Greece.
  • Panamanian company arbitrates construction disputes of two hydroelectric plantsJones Day successfully advised a Panamanian company with Spanish capital as a respondent and counterclaimant in an ICC arbitration concerning the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) agreement between the involved parties for the construction of tunnels in two hydroelectric plants in Panama.
  • Publicaciones adicionales

    • March 23, 2021
      Contractual arbitration and investment arbitration: when can they be joined in the same proceeding?
    • October 23, 2020
      Termination of the Bilateral Investment Treaties between member States of the European Union
    • October 1, 2019
      Recognition and enforcement of the award against non-signatories of the arbitration agreement. Do we really want to dispense with the written arbitration agreement? - Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2019, with Juan Ignacio Santabaya.
    • June 15, 2018
      "Effectiveness of the independent expert pricing agreement: legal nature of the expert's performance and the possibility and scope of review of the expert's work by the courts", in "Anuario de Arbitraje 2018", Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor, 2018, with Juan Ignacio Santabaya.
    • April 6, 2018
      "One more step towards class actions in Spain?", in Expansión Jurídico, 2018.

    • April 4-6, 2018
      60 Years of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Relevant Issues and Future Challenges