BárbaraFernández Cobo


Madrid + 34.91.520.9452

Bárbara Fernández Cobo ejerce en el ámbito del derecho administrativo y medioambiental.

Bárbara cuenta con más de una década de experiencia en la tramitación de procedimientos administrativos y judiciales, así como en el asesoramiento en transacciones con componente regulatorio, siempre alineando las estrategias legales y los objetivos empresariales de los clientes.

La práctica profesional de Bárbara abarca diversos sectores, incluyendo el de la energía, la minería y otras industrias.

En derecho medioambiental, Bárbara posee amplia experiencia en materia de cambio climático, evaluaciones ambientales, permisos, responsabilidad medioambiental, gestión de residuos o la protección de la calidad del agua y el aire, tanto en España como en Latinoamérica.

Asimismo, Bárbara cuenta con experiencia docente como profesora de Práctica Administrativa en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid o como Profesora de Derecho Medioambiental en ISDE Law & Business School, entre otros.


  • OX2 sells photovoltaic project in SpainJones Day advised OX2 AB in the sale of Modus Solar Andalusia, S.L., a photovoltaic project in Spain, to Green Genius.
  • The following represents experience acquired prior to joining Jones Day.

    Provided legal counsel to judicially defend the exploitation of rights obtained through a public tender by an international mining group. Also advised on the processing of the necessary permits required for the commencement of the project. The project involved significant environmental sensitivity due to its proximity to a nationally protected park and pre-existing environmental liabilities.

    Advised a multinational corporation on the status of various mining projects in northern Spain, covering zinc, gold, and tungsten. The objective was to subsequently establish royalties or acquire stakes in the corresponding Spanish SPV (special purpose vehicle).

    Assisted a multinational mining corporation in the competitive bidding process for the acquisition of a relevant Spanish mining company operating a complex comprising three mines for copper, zinc, and lead in the Andalusia region. Reviewed the legal status of the company and mines and provided negotiation support for corporate agreements.

    Provided legal support to an Australian mining group in obtaining required authorizations for a uranium extraction and processing project in Spain. Also represented the group in appeals defending the favorable resolution obtained for the project.

    Counseled a prominent real estate group in opposing a rare earth mining project in Castilla la Mancha due to its impact on the company's land holdings. Also provided counsel to several landowners opposing different mining projects in Valladolid and Ibiza.

    Supported a Spanish mining company in challenging the rejection of its request for an extension of its mining rights in southern Spain.

    Facilitated research and development legal negotiations for the implementation of a pilot plant utilizing a new patented system for the production of pure copper and zinc production in southern Spain.

    Provided a legal defense for a landowner against the imposition of liability for abandoned mining waste facilities located in the Murcia region.