Pro Se Pro Bono ADR Program Pairs Plaintiffs With Pro Bono Attorneys for ADR Process (Lawyers Journal)
A recent article in Lawyers Journal spotlighted lawyers in Jones Day's Pittsburgh Office and their success in running the Pro Se Pro Bono ADR Program in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh pro bono partner Matt Divelbiss and associates Kelly Locher and Joe Parsons serve the court by pairing pro bono counsel with pro se lawyers on a wide variety of cases involving prisoners' rights, labor and employment, defamation, and more. The Jones Day team in Pittsburgh was recognized by the court for its pro bono service to the court and litigants, with a nearly 50% resolution rate for the cases in the ADR Program.
See PDF below, and in Section 3.
Reproduced with permission. Published June 30, 2021. Copyright 2021 by The Allegheny County Bar Association. https://www.acba.org