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U.S. FAA Publishes Airplane Fuel Efficiency Final Rule

On February 16, 2024, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") issued an airplane fuel efficiency final rule, which implements reduced CO2 emissions standards into the FAA's aircraft certification rules. See 89 Fed. Reg. 12634 (Feb. 16, 2024).

The FAA's rule adopts a January 2021 U.S. Environmental Protection Administration ("EPA") standard addressing domestic airplane greenhouse gas emissions by certain "covered" aircraft into the FAA's aircraft certification regulations.

The FAA's rule also harmonizes U.S. regulations with international standards consistent with its responsibilities as a signatory to international treaties and therefore ensuring U.S.-certificated aircraft can be operated across the globe. 

These rules apply, with certain exceptions, to subsonic jet aircraft and large turboprop and propeller aircraft that are: (i) newly designed; (ii) manufactured after January 1, 2028; or (iii) modified to criteria specified in the regulations. 

The rule takes effect April 16, 2024.

Read the full Climate Report.

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