Notable Plan Confirmations or Exits From Bankruptcy in 2015
Company | Filing Date (Bankr. Court) | Conf. Date Effective Date | Assets | Industry | Result |
Energy Future Holdings Corp. | 04/29/2014 (D. Del.) | 12/03/2015 CD | $41 billion | Electric Utility | Reorganization |
NII Holdings, Inc. | 09/15/2014 (S.D.N.Y.) | 06/19/2015 CD 06/26/2015 ED | $8.7 billion | Telecom | Reorganization |
LightSquared Inc. | 03/12/2012 (S.D.N.Y.) | 03/26/2015 CD | $4.5 billion | Telecom | Reorganization |
Exide Technologies | 06/10/2013 (D. Del.) | 03/27/2015 CD 04/30/2015 ED | $2.2 billion | Manufacturing | Reorganization |
Hercules Offshore, Inc. | 08/13/2015 (D. Del.) | 09/24/2015 CD 11/06/2015 ED | $2.0 billion | Oil & Gas | Reorganization |
Patriot Coal Corporation | 05/12/2015 (E.D. Va.) | 10/08/2015 CD 10/28/2015 ED | $2.0 billion | Mining | Sale |
Altegrity, Inc. | 02/08/2015 (D. Del.) | 08/14/2015 CD 09/01/2015 ED | $1.7 billion | Security Services | Reorganization |
RadioShack Corporation | 02/05/2015 (D. Del.) | 10/02/2015 CD 10/08/2015 ED | $1.6 billion | Retail | Liquidation |
Allied Nevada Gold Corp. | 03/10/2015 (D. Del.) | 10/08/2015 CD 10/22/2015 ED | $1.5 billion | Mining | Reorganization |
Revel AC, Inc. | 06/09/2014 (D.N.J.) | 06/30/2015 CD 06/30/2015 ED | $1.15 billion | Casino | Liquidation |
ITR Concession Company | 09/22/2014 (N.D. Ill.) | 10/28/2014 CD 05/27/2015 ED | $1.0 billion+ | Toll Road | Sale |
Corinthian Colleges, Inc. | 05/04/2015 (D. Del.) | 08/28/2015 CD 09/22/2015 ED | $1.0 billion | Education | Liquidation |
Chassix Holdings Inc. | 03/12/2015 (S.D.N.Y.) | 07/02/2015 CD 07/29/2015 ED | $833 million | Auto Parts | Reorganization |
Global Geophysical Services, Inc. | 03/25/2014 (S.D. Tex.) | 02/06/2015 CD 02/09/2015 ED | $553 million | Seismic Data | Reorganization |
Millennium Health LLC | 11/10/2015 (D. Del.) | 12/14/2015 CD 12/18/2015 ED | $500 million | Health Care | Reorganization |
The Standard Register Company | 03/12/2015 (D. Del.) | 11/19/2015 CD 12/18/2015 ED | $481 million | Commercial Services | Sale |
Dendreon Corp. | 11/10/2014 (D. Del.) | 06/02/2015 CD 06/10/2015 ED | $434 million | Biotechnology | Liquidation |
BPZ Resources, Inc. | 03/09/2015 (S.D. Tex.) | 11/12/2015 CD 12/31/2015 ED | $407 million | Oil & Gas | Liquidation |
EveryWare Global, Inc. | 04/07/2015 (D. Del.) | 05/22/2015 CD 06/02/2015 ED | $340 million | Housewares | Reorganization |
The Wet Seal, Inc. | 01/15/2015 (D. Del.) | 10/30/2015 CD 12/31/2015 ED | $152 million | Retail | Liquidation |