PTAB Denies Entire IPR Petition as Voluminous and Excessive, PTAB Litigation Blog
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In a recent decision, the PTAB exercised its discretion under 35 U.S.C. § 314(a) to deny inter partes review of Perfect Company’s ("Patent Owner") patent. Adaptics Ltd. v. Perfect Co., IPR2018-01596 (March 6, 2019). A panel of judges determined that, considering the totality of identified issues, Adaptics Limited’s ("Petitioner") petition failed to meet the particularity requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 312(a)(3). The Panel noted that the petition’s lack of particularity resulted in voluminous and excessive grounds. Accordingly, the Panel concluded that the entire petition should be denied "in the interests of efficient administration of the Office and integrity of the patent system and as a matter of procedural fairness to Patent Owner."
Read the full article at ptablitigationblog.com.