
Composite image of a high-rise building under construction, overlaid with architectural blueprints and a crane, symbolizing the process of building and architectural planning.

Repositioning UK Office Assets—Risks and Opportunities: Best-in-Class vs. Out-of-Date

Over recent years, we have seen an office sector where occupiers are taking less space and using it in a different way in the United Kingdom, even when compared to five years ago. That trend, which was accelerated by the COVID-induced home working social experiment, coupled with the significant increase in scrutiny on environmental performance from both investors and occupiers, is driving an era-defining set of market dynamics and a clear need for repositioning and reuse of a significant proportion of the existing office stock. 

This White Paper explores the real estate, planning and construction risks and opportunities presented by those market dynamics and provides guidance on areas to be considered by investors and developers seeking to take advantage.

Read the White Paper.

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