PTAB Holds Mock Oral Arguments for LEAP Attorneys, PTAB Litigation Blog
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Holding its first mock oral arguments, the PTAB provided LEAP eligible participants with a unique opportunity to argue in front of PTAB judges. On August 7, 2020, mock oral PTAB hearings were held virtually with 40 LEAP eligible participants from various law firms and 30 PTAB judges, including USPTO Director Andrei Iancu. As participants, we gained valuable experience in preparing for and conducting an oral argument. We received personalized feedback from the PTAB judges on our oral advocacy skills. It is clear that the PTAB recognizes the need to develop and grow the next generation of patent attorneys and LEAP is one vehicle providing invaluable opportunities to do so. Director Iancu’s participation along with many prominent PTAB judges demonstrates that the USPTO is dedicated to facilitating the growth of future professionals like us. We are hopeful for more opportunities to come with LEAP.