Jones Day lawyers deliver 10 ambulances to Ukraine
In March 2023, 20 Jones Day lawyer-volunteers drove 10 ambulances across Europe to deliver them to medical professionals for use in Ukraine. The convoy of ambulances departed from Brussels on March 17, and travelled more than 1,600 kilometers (about 1,000 miles) over three days to the Poland-Ukraine border. The drivers consisted of partners and associates from five of the Firm's European offices—Amsterdam, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Munich, and Paris. On Sunday, March 19, near the border crossing at Budomierz, the Jones Day team passed the ambulances and medical supplies to members of Mercy & Health, a Ukrainian team of surgeons, doctors, and medics, who delivered the ambulances to Kyiv.
The 10 ambulances, each containing a full load of medical supplies, were provided to health authorities in Ukraine and were made possible through a contribution from the Jones Day Foundation to BE4Ukraine. The Jones Day Foundation also contributed funds for power generators for use in hospitals and schools in Ukraine.
BE4Ukraine ("BE4UA") is a charity established shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. BE4UA provides civilian humanitarian support by buying used ambulances and delivering them in a series of convoys directly into Ukraine. It has supplied more than 50 ambulances to help save lives in a country under daily attack.
The Firm is grateful to the Jones Day Foundation for the contribution to fund the ambulances and medical supplies and is proud of the team of lawyer-volunteers. The team comprised:
Amsterdam Office: Ben Fox. Brussels Office: Partner-in-Charge Alexandre Verheyden, Sébastien Champagne, Serge Clerckx, Guillaume Couvert, Preslava Dilkova, Maxime Lambilliotte, Thomas De Muynck, Nadiya Nychay, Tristan Verminck. Düsseldorf Office: Dr. Julius Arden, Henning Heinrich, Eva-Maria Lange, Dr. Moritz Maier. Munich Office: Marc Groebl, Dr. Martin Lotz. Paris Office: Emmanuel Baud, Kévin Bousset, Gaspar Cottard, Théo Piazza.