Los Angeles County successfully defends against class action involving independent contractors
Client(s) Los Angeles County
Jones Day obtained and successfully defended a judgment in favor of Los Angeles County in a class action that sought a determination that independent contractors who arguably met the test for common law employment were entitled to civil service status, pay, benefits and pensions. Jones Day also handled the related matter of Shiell v. County of Los Angeles, 2008 Cal. Unpub Lexis 0805 (2008) which concluded with a similar result for the County in which plaintiffs' class action unsuccessfully sought a determination that lawyers and paralegals employed by an entity created by the County to provide legal services to supplement those provide by the County Counsel in dependent child proceedings were entitled to civil service status, pay, benefits and pensions on grounds that they were common law employees of the County. The Holmgren and Shiell actions potentially could have cost the County and taxpayers millions of dollars.
Holmgren v. County of Los Angeles, 159 Cal. App. 4th 593, 71 Cal. Rptr. 3d 611 (Jan. 30, 2008); Shiell v. County of Los Angeles, Appeal No. B194042 (unpublished)