Benjamin Lancaster (Ben)

Of Counsel

Melbourne + 61.3.9101.6816

Ben Lancaster practices in the area of tax dispute resolution, with a particular focus on transfer pricing and other international tax issues. He has experience responding to audits, managing objection processes, providing strategic advice in advance of pricing arrangement (APA) negotiations, and conducting tax litigation.

Ben routinely responds to uses of statutory information gathering powers, including establishing document review protocols, supervision of document reviewers, managing technology providers, and evaluating claims for legal professional privilege and administrative concessions. He coauthored an article on the Australian Taxation Office's information gathering powers and the use of voluntary disclosures to resolve uncertain tax positions, which was published in the Law Institute Journal (Victoria).

Ben also has considerable experience assisting companies and individuals in managing their taxation liabilities, including director liabilities, the negotiation of suitable payment arrangements (such as for disputed liabilities), and insolvency proceedings.

He is a member of The Tax Institute (Australia) and Law Institute of Victoria.