Located at the heart of the European Union, Jones Day's Brussels Office serves national and global clients in negotiating the European Union's complex legal environment, as well as national-level regimes in Belgium, across Europe, and worldwide.
- Clients served by Jones Day's Brussels Office benefit from our extensive experience in EU and Member State competition law (merger clearances, state aid, cartels, and abuse of dominance); regulatory issues related to life sciences (including pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics); environmental, health, and safety, including REACH, WEEE, and RoHS; cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection, including GDPR; and international trade and national security, including EU and WTO trade law.
- Clients receive counsel on multinational transactions, corporate/commercial matters, capital markets, projects and infrastructure, litigation and arbitration, real estate, tax planning and corporate structuring, and labor and employment law.
- We represent clients before the European and national courts, as well as EU and national regulatory authorities.
- Our Brussels lawyers have in-depth knowledge of consumer products, electronic communications, technology and media, energy and renewable energy, financial services, and transportation (automotive, aviation, rail).
- Brussels serves as headquarters for Jones Day's European Antitrust & Competition Law Practice, with some 40 lawyers in eight cities.
12:09 PM Romance Standard Time
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