Our Washington-based lawyers advise clients on a full range of relevant issues. Clients are serviced by many lawyers with prior government experience in agencies that impact their businesses and interests, and they can address a full range of commercial, government regulatory and investigatory issues.
- Clients are provided the full panoply of services both nationally and globally by more than 250 lawyers, working in virtually every one of the Firm's practice areas, including litigation, antitrust, appellate, global disputes, government regulation, intellectual property, issues and appeals, mergers and acquisitions, financial institution regulation, cyber, tax, and bankruptcy.
- To serve our clients' global needs, we collaborate with our colleagues worldwide to meet their business needs arising in far-reaching jurisdictions. Clients gain the benefit of our global reach and integrated technologies that are designed to permit us to respond seamlessly on their behalf across offices and practices.
- Our lawyers are committed to pro bono and other public-service activities, ranging from immigration cases and criminal appeals to housing matters and legal-clinic staffing. Jones Day's Washington Office was named the 2018 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year by the District of Columbia Bar.
- We practice in the historic Acacia Building, with spectacular rooftop views of the Capitol, and in the adjoining state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly building designed by Pritzker-award-winning architect Sir Richard Rogers.
Jones Day in Washington: Gateway to a Nation’s Capital
A consistent presence in Washington since 1946, Jones Day’s lawyers advise a global client base on matters and disputes involving the federal government, its numerous agencies, and its complex regulations. Partners Noel Francisco, Jim Gauch, and Kevyn Orr discuss the value of having lawyers at the Firm with extensive government experience and who understand how Washington works.
Serving Any Client's Needs Anywhere on the Globe
Partner-in-Charge U.S. Offices Kevyn Orr discusses our panoply of services, including global disputes, litigation, finance, government contracting, issues and appeals, bankruptcy, and restructuring.
1:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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