David J. DiMeglio


洛杉矶 +

David DiMeglio的执业领域集中在复杂民事诉讼,特别是毒物侵害和产品责任诉讼。他辩护过涉及制药、电子、农业、设备生产和消费者产品领域的全国大规模侵权诉讼。从处方药和消费类电子产品到越野车和重型设备,David为各类产品作过辩护。他还就针对癌症、石棉沉滞症、硅肺病、不育病和慢性病有关的诉讼进行辩护。他在就业歧视、不当解雇、违约、欺诈、不正当商业手段、违反加州《第65号提案》和其他州和联邦环境法有关的诉讼辩护方面具有广泛经验。


近期,David 担任Dole的审判律师,涉及尼家拉瓜的12名原告的案件长达五个月备受关注,这些原告宣称其因在1970年接触了香蕉农场杀虫剂二溴氯丙烷而造成不育。陪审团为半数原告作出判决,并在后期审判中裁定驳回其余六人的诉讼请求。

David 目前在涉及100多起产品责任案的加州诉讼协调程序中作为首席联席律师代理Yamaha。



  • Chevron secures significant wins in paraquat multidistrict litigationJones Day secured two important wins for client Chevron in the paraquat multidistrict litigation (MDL).
  • Chevron prevails in international arbitration against Republic of EcuadorWith valuable assistance from Jones Day, Chevron Corporation obtained a unanimous award on the merits by an international arbitration tribunal against the Republic of Ecuador in a PCA arbitration under the U.S.-Ecuador bilateral investment treaty.
  • GlobalFoundries wins complete victory on summary judgment and motion to exclude expertsJones Day won a complete victory on behalf of GlobalFoundries U.S., Inc. on its motions for summary judgment and to exclude plaintiff's experts regarding personal injury claims arising from an alleged exposure to chemicals in the workplace.
  • Global technology company conducts internal investigation into allegations of fraud and employee misconduct in BrazilJones Day represented a global technology company in an internal investigation into allegations of fraud and employee misconduct in Brazil.
  • Global technology company conducts internal investigation into allegations of fraud and corruption in South AmericaJones Day represented a publicly-traded global technology company in an internal investigation into allegations of fraud, corruption, and employee misconduct in South America.
  • Chevron defends against allegations of environmental damage from oil seeps off coast of BrazilJones Day is serving as lead U.S. counsel for Chevron with respect to various legal and administrative proceedings arising out of oil seeps that occurred off the coast of Brazil in November 2011 and March 2012.
  • Jones Day obtains asylum for two unaccompanied minorsJones Day obtained asylum for two unaccompanied alien children ("UACs") seeking refuge in the United States.
  • Yamaha successfully defends nationwide litigation of product liability cases and claims involving the Rhino side-by-side ("SxS") vehicleJones Day leads Yamaha's defense of Rhino cases and claims pending in the United States.
  • Clearlight Cream sells Bocchi LaboratoriesJones Day advised Clearlight Cream, Inc. in connection with its sale of Bocchi Laboratories, Inc., a contract manufacturer of health and beauty items, over-the-counter preparations and private label products, to Shadow Holdings, LLC.
  • Dole defends against multiple cross-border mass tort cases alleging injuries from pesticide exposureJones Day defended Dole Food Company, Inc. in multiple toxic tort lawsuits brought by agricultural workers from 13 countries claiming that the use of the pesticide dibromochloropropane (DBCP) on banana farms in Latin America, Africa, and the Philippines during the 1970s caused adverse health effects.
  • Dole defends against toxic tort actionJones Day represented Dole Food Company in a five-month toxic tort jury trial in Central Civil West Court, Los Angeles.
  • Wyeth wins summary judgment in product liability case involving pharmaceutical product EffexorJones Day represented Wyeth in a unique products liability matter relating to Wyeth's $4 billion a year pharmaceutical product Effexor.
    • January 25, 2017
      How to Deal with Ethical Lapses (Real or Perceived) Once They've Occurred, Jones Day MCLE University
    • January 27, 2016
      Lawyers Behaving Badly: How to Avoid Being Tomorrow's Headline, Jones Day MCLE University