Tyler Fields


欧文 + 1.949.553.7587

Tyler Fields represents elected officials, corporations, nonprofits, and political candidates in a variety of legal spaces including campaign finance and election law, administrative law, criminal law, energy and national security law, lobbying law, and international trade.

His experience includes adversarial litigation and nonadversarial regulatory advice. He has represented officials in sensitive political and criminal investigations and provided extensive advice in the political arena. His experience includes crisis communications at the international and state levels. He also advises clients on numerous constitutional and regulatory issues including mounting offensive challenges to government overreach under the U.S. and various state constitutions as well as under the Administrative Procedure Act. He also has advised clients on trade matters under the Federal Trade Commission Act and other state and federal regulations. Tyler maintains an active pro bono practice.

Prior to law school, Tyler served in the White House from 2017 to 2018. During law school, Tyler was published twice and spent time at the U.S. Attorney's Office and the California Department of Justice.


  • R.J. Reynolds successfully obtains stay of FDA's graphic warnings ruleThe U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas ruled--in favor of Jones Day clients that include R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company--that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's regulation requiring graphic cigarette warning labels likely exceeds the Agency's authority under the Tobacco Control Act.
  • LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl quashes corruption probe by California Attorney General due to lack of evidence of wrongdoingJones Day successfully moved to quash three search warrants executed on former LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and obtained a full declination from the California Attorney General, who conceded there was a lack of evidence of wrongdoing.