The Compendium Project: A Source for Global Anti-Human Trafficking Laws
Laura Ellsworth, Partner-in-Charge of our Global Community Service Initiative, talks about how, with the help and support of the Firm's clients, Jones Day's Compendium Project will provide the first central resource for information on the world's anti-human trafficking laws, and explains why the Compendium will be an invaluable tool in the continuing battle against these crimes.
Read the full video transcript below.
Laura Ellsworth:
One of the most important projects we have underway right now is what we call the Compendium Project. And one of the things we were very surprised to find is that there is no common source for the laws of human trafficking of the world. Why is that a problem? Because companies that work across borders don't know what the rules are from one jurisdiction to another, governments that are trying to solve for a problem sometimes don't know what their own law is, they don't know what the law is of the countries that they're trying to have compacts with, and for countries who don't have any law at all but want one, they don't know where to go to look to see what models might exist that are good for them.
So the Compendium Project is designed to solve all of those problems and to bring together the laws of human trafficking of the world in one resource, in one standardized format. It is a project that many organizations, including the United Nations, have tried to do over the years and it's too big and it's too daunting. And it was too big and daunting for Jones Day too until we reached out to our clients and invited them to the table. We are now in the process of rolling out the Compendium, several countries have been done, we hope for another chunk to be done in 2020. It is our audacious goal to have the entire Compendium done by 2021. And this is a resource that will be made available to everybody, governments, NGOs, companies, anyone who wants to help people who are victimized in labor trafficking or sex trafficking. It is a scourge across the world and we want very much to be leaders not just thought leaders, but action leaders in addressing that problem.
Read the press release from Jones Day and RAGAS about the Global Compendium—Human Trafficking Laws.
View the Global Compendium—Human Trafficking Laws.