The Changing Dynamics of Financial Services Regulation
Jones Day's Washington Office
300 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.
Welcome Remarks and Introduction
Noel J. Francisco, Partner, Jones Day
2:20 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Conversation with Randal Quarles, Former Vice Chair for Supervision, Federal Reserve Board
Moderator: Jonathan V. Gould, Partner, Jones Day
3:20 p.m. – 4:05 p.m.
Panel 1: Current Trends in Regulatory Policy, Supervision, and Enforcement
This panel will discuss the current trends in regulatory policy, supervision, and enforcement across banking and market regulators and will explore how the relationship may be changing.
Moderator: Brian C. Rabbitt, Partner, Jones Day
> Kelvin Chen, Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Policy, Consumer Bankers Association
> Sydney S. Menefee, Partner, Financial Services Consulting, Crowe
> Lucas Moskowitz, General Counsel, Robinhood
> Susan Olson, General Counsel, Investment Company Institute
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Panel 2: Industry Responses to Current Trends
This panel will explore how industry is reacting to current trends and will discuss the impact of certain judicial developments on regulatory strategies.
Moderator: Charlotte H. Taylor, Partner, Jones Day
> John Court, General Counsel & Head of Regulatory Affairs, Bank Policy Institute
> Daryl Joseffer, Executive Vice President & Chief Counsel, U.S. Chamber Litigation Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
> Rebekah Goshorn Jurata, General Counsel, American Investment Council
> Jonah Platt, U.S. Head of Government & Regulatory Policy, Citadel
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The scope and extent of regulation in the financial services space have been increasing since at least 2008 — and not always pursuant to congressional mandate. Over the last few years, new regulatory and enforcement initiatives have impacted and in some cases imperiled business models. In the meantime, the legal foundations of the modern regulatory state are under review. Are we witnessing a fundamental change in the relationship between financial services firms and their regulators? If so, how is it likely to manifest, and how should regulatory strategies shift?
Please join our Washington Office to discuss these and other questions as we explore the changing regulatory dynamics. This in-person event will feature a conversation with special guest Randal Quarles, former Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, as well as panel discussions among industry professionals examining:
- Trends in regulatory policy, supervision, and enforcement;
- Judicial developments; and
- Emerging industry responses.
We will conclude with a reception.
For more information, and to register, please contact Laura Beh at lbeh@jonesday.com. Space is limited, so please respond at your earliest convenience and no later than Friday, March 29.
We hope you will be able to join us.