Dr. Ulrich Brauer

Partner-in-Charge Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf + 49.211.5406.5500

Dr. Ulrich Brauer ist Partner-in-Charge des Düsseldorfer Büros. Er berät seit über 20 Jahren nationale und internationale Konzerne und Investoren bei grenzüberschreitenden Transaktionen und Joint Venture-Vorhaben. Dr. Brauer vertritt Mandanten in der Automobil- und pharmazeutischen Industrie, im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien sowie im Hotel- und Freizeitsektor und verfügt in diesen Branchen über fundierte Kenntnisse und große nationale und internationale Transaktionserfahrung. Er leitet regelmäßig die deutsche Seite von deutsch-chinesischen Transaktionen.

Dr. Brauer berät die Pandox-Gruppe bei diversen Hotel-Transaktionen in Europa. Der Kauf der Pandox-Gruppe eines 7 Hotels umfassenden Immobilien-Portfolios für €415 Millionen von der Invesco, den Herr Brauer mit seinem Team beriet, wurde in 2017 von der Hotel Investment Conference Europe als "Deal of the Year" ausgezeichnet. Erst kürzlich beriet Herr Brauer Goldman Sachs sowohl beim Erwerb als auch beim Verkauf der K+K Hotels. Weitere Transaktionen, die von Herrn Dr. Brauer federführend betreut wurden, sind unter anderem der Erwerb der Hein Gericke-Gruppe durch die Industriellenfamilie Liao sowie der Kauf und Verkauf von diversen europäischen PV-Parks durch die ENN-Gruppe. Dr. Brauer berät auch die Dallah Al-Baraka-Gruppe bei diversen Transaktionen, einschließlich des Verkaufs einer 21,4 %igen Beteiligung an der World Sport Group an LeTV.

Dr. Brauer war Stipendiat der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Er schreibt zu gesellschaftsrechtlichen Fragestellungen und hält regelmäßig Seminare über M&A-Themen.


  • Pandox sells Dorint Parkhotel Bad NeuenahrJones Day advised Pandox AB in the sale of Dorint Parkhotel Bad Neuenahr to Honestis AG.
  • Darfon Electronics acquires GROFA Action Sports GmbHJones Day advised Darfon Electronics, a Taiwanese listed electronics group, known among other things as the owner of the e-bike brand BESV, on the acquisition of 80% of the shares in GROFA Action Sports GmbH in Bad Camberg, Germany.
  • Diebold Nixdorf successfully restructures over $2.7 billion in funded debt and completes the first-ever dual proceeding under the U.S. bankruptcy code and Dutch restructuring law in 71 daysIn the first-ever cross border restructuring involving dual main proceedings under chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and a scheme of arrangement (the "Dutch Scheme") under the Dutch Act on Confirmation of Extrajudicial Plans (Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord ("WHOA")), and the first-ever chapter 15 recognition of Dutch Scheme proceedings and a sanctioned WHOA reorganization plan (the "WHOA Plan"), Jones Day represented Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated ("Diebold") and certain of its U.S. and Canadian subsidiaries (the "Debtors") in connection with (i) the prepackaged chapter 11 cases of In re Diebold Holding Company, LLC, et al., (Case No. 23-90602-DRJ) commenced on June 1, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the "Bankruptcy Court"); (ii) the Dutch Scheme, commenced on June 1, 2023 by Diebold Nixdorf Dutch Holding B.V. (the "Dutch Issuer") in the District Court of Amsterdam (the "Dutch Court"), and (iii) the chapter 15 proceedings before the Bankruptcy Court commenced by the foreign representative of the Dutch Issuer, wherein the Bankruptcy Court recognized the Dutch Scheme proceeding as a foreign main proceeding and recognized and extended comity to the WHOA Plan that was sanctioned by the Dutch Court.
  • HubSpot invests in Xentral ERP Software GmbHJones Day advised HubSpot, Inc. in connection with its venture capital investment into Xentral ERP Software GmbH, a German software company.
  • Nordson sold screws and barrels product line to Altair InvestmentsJones Day advised Nordson Corporation in the sale of its screws and barrels product line from its polymer processing systems division to Altair Investments.
  • Pandox acquires seven hotel properties in Germany from HR Group for €290 millionJones Day advised Pandox AB, a leading hotel investor in Northern Europe, on the acquisition of seven German hotel properties with a total of 1,532 rooms from HR Group for €290 million.
  • Pandox AB purchases two hotel properties in Hanover and The Hague (Netherlands)Jones Day advised Pandox AB on the €83 million purchase of two hotel properties and the respective hotel operations in Hanover and The Hague (Netherlands) from Grape Hospitality.
  • Pandox acquires three hotel properties in Germany for €103 million (US$115 million)Jones Day advised Pandox AB in its €103 million (US$115 million) acquisition of three hotel properties in Germany.
  • Vocke Industries acquires assets of Summary AGJones Day represented Vocke Industries GmbH in connection with its acquisition of the business of Summary AG, a production e-commerce company with an emphasis on the sectors of fitness, household, gardening, fashion, and lifestyle products, by means of a distressed asset deal.
  • David Lloyd Leisure enters German market with acquisition of HealthCity clubJones Day advised David Lloyd Leisure in its acquisition of a HealthCity-branded club in Bad Homburg, near Frankfurt.
  • Pandox acquires seven hotels in Germany, Austria, and Netherlands for €415 million (US$440 million)Jones Day advised Pandox AB in connection with the €415 million (US$440 million) acquisition and related financing of seven hotels in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands, from Invesco Real Estate European Hotel Real Estate Fund II FCP - SIP.
  • RPC Group acquires Global Closure Systems for €650 million (US$715.8 million)Jones Day advised RPC Group PLC in its €650 million ($715.8 million) acquisition of GCS Group, a leading global manufacturer and provider of closures and dispensing systems.
  • Pandox acquires 18 hotels in Germany for €400 million (US$437 million)Jones Day advised Pandox AB in its €400 million (US$437 million) acquisition of 18 hotels in Germany with a total of 3,414 rooms.
  • Jefferies completes $1.2 billion of Notes in Section 4(a)(2) and Regulation S offering by WindMW GmbHJones Day advised Jefferies International Ltd. and its affiliate Jefferies LLC, as lead placement agent and sole structuring agent, in connection with the issuance of approximately $1.2 billion of Notes in a Section 4(a)(2) and Regulation S offering by WindMW GmbH, a Blackstone portfolio company.
  • Goldman Sachs and Highgate Hotels acquires K+K Hotels GroupJones Day advised a consortium led by Goldman Sachs and Highgate Hotels, a leading hospitality investment and management company, in its acquisition, acquisition financing, and debt restructuring of the K+K Hotels group, which owns a portfolio of ten boutique hotels located in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, and Bucharest.
  • International Sports Events Company sells its 21.4 percent stake in World Sport Group to LeTVJones Day advised International Sports Events Company Ltd., a subsidiary of the Saudi-Arabian conglomerate Dallah-Albaraka Group, in connection with the sale of its 21.4 percent stake in World Sport Group Pte. Ltd. with its seat in Singapore in the framework of an auction to a subsidiary of the China based web and tech company LeTV (Leshi Internet Information & Technology).
  • Liao Family, majority shareholder of Tech Design Team, acquires all operating assets of Hein Gericke Germany and its associated foreign subsidiariesJones Day advised The Liao family, the ultimate shareholder of a group of companies involved in the production and distribution of motorcycle helmets and accessories in China and Spain, in connection with its acquisition of all operating assets of Hein Gericke Germany GmbH, a retailer of motorcycle accessories and clothing, and its associated foreign subsidiaries other than in the UK.
  • Weitere Veröffentlichungen

    • June 2019
      Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Europe: Germany; Juris Publishing, Inc.; 2nd ed. thru rel. 7

    • April 16-18, 2019
      Latest Developments in German Transactions, 2019 Jones Day China Outbound Event
    • September 19, 2017
      BREXIT: Aktueller Handlungsbedarf für Unternehmen, Vortrag IHK Düsseldorf
    • June 29, 2017
      Bar Association Shenzhen: M&A Investments in Germany
    • October 19, 2016
      China Association of Private Equity in Beijing: One Belt-One Road: Investing in Germany.
    • August 4, 2016
      The Global Effect of Brexit - What it means to Consumers and Businesses in the Region, North San Diego Business Chamber
    • October 15, 2015
      Investing in Germany: Current Developments, Opportunities & Challenges
    • September 11, 2015
      Ablauf einer M&A-Transaktion anhand einer Case Study. Internationales Wirschaftsrecht in der Praxis, Summer Law School der Juristischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    • May 8, 2015
      Investing in Germany seminar
    • May 7, 2015
      Investments in Germany Through M&A Transactions, China Association of Private Equity
    • November 21, 2014
      Investments in Germany through M&A Transactions, Beijing Private Equity Association (BPEA) Seminar
    • October 10, 2014
      Die Beteiligungen chinesischer Investoren an deutschen Unternehmen in der Krise, 21. Sitzung des Schmalenbach-Arbeitskreises M&A
    • November 29, 2013
      Buying is fun, merging is hell, Rechtliche Herausforderungen der Post-Merger Integration, JDialog: Post-Merger Integration
    • September 2-6, 2013
      Überblick über Ablauf und Varianten des Unternehmenskaufs, Teil 1: Grundlagen, vorvertragliche Vereinbarungen, Due Diligence. Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht in der Praxis, Summer Law School der Juristischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    • September 18, 2012
      Eurozone Debt Crisis: The Business Perspective and an Overview of its Possible Legal Implications
    • 2012年8月15日 (新竹場) 及2012年8月17日 (台北場)