Alejandro Fleming


Mexiko-Stadt + 52.55.3000.4037

Alejandro Fleming has worked for more than 20 years in the areas of energy and infrastructure, with particular experience in the electricity sector.

Alejandro held several positions with the Mexican government prior to joining Jones Day. He led the legal effort for the liberalization of the natural gas industry by Pemex Gas y Petroquímica Básica, where he was appointed as special commissioner for the divestiture of Diganamex and Digaqro (Pemex's natural gas distribution companies) and Pemex's distribution pipelines. He also handled the legal negotiation for the establishment of Gasoductos de Chihuahua. While serving as head of the legal affairs unit of the Ministry of Energy, he was a key participant in the 2008 energy reform and regulations and also litigated two constitutional controversies filed by the Chamber of Deputies. In addition, he served as legal director of Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos (Banobras), where he supervised the bank's more than 3 billion USD credits granted for infrastructure works such as water, highways, federal prisons, water treatment plants, and renewable energy parks.

From 2013 to 2020, Alejandro served as director of legal services at energy producer Iberdrola México. During this time, he supervised the legal aspects that led the utility to double its generation capacity to more than 10,000 MW, both thermal and renewable, with an additional investment of more than 3.5 billion USD. He also represented the Mexican Energy Association, which was part of the private sector negotiating group, in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Alejandro has acted as secretary of several boards, including Pemex, CFE; Iberdrola México; and Banobras.