Karnabi Hughes represents corporations in litigation and arbitration based in Australia and overseas. Her experience covers such industry sectors as energy and resources, construction and infrastructure, as well as technology and gaming.
Karnabi has acted for a marine and offshore contractor in relation to disputes in Singapore, an electronic gaming company involved in U.S. and Australian intellectual property and employment litigation, and a multinational construction company in a contract dispute.
Karnabi previously served as an Associate to the Hon. Justice Gail Ann Archer in the General Division of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. She has also taught evidence law at the University of Western Australia.
- University of Western Australia (J.D. 2022; Dean's List for Academic Excellence & Research by Invitation; B.A. in Law & Society and Business Law 2018)
- Supreme Court of Western Australia
- Associate to the Hon. Justice Gail Ann Archer, Supreme Court of Western Australia, General Division (2022-2023)
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