Jill Keller Hengen

Of Counsel

Atlanta + 1.404.581.8956

Jill Keller Hengen is a leader in managing internal, global, and government-facing investigations across a broad spectrum of matters, with substantial experience in the life sciences and health care sectors. She has worked successfully to strengthen and build out corporate compliance programs regarding anticorruption, privacy, trade, ESG (environment, social, governance), and workplace culture.

Jill's portfolio of work includes extensive experience in government affairs, congressional investigations, crisis management, and proactive compliance reviews, as well as investigations involving anticorruption, accounting fraud, national security, environmental compliance, and problematic conduct by public company officers. Jill's government relations experience positions her to take a multifaceted approach to investigations that involve the legal and policy arenas. She advises clients on the political and reputational issues facing them while under investigation and develops and implements strategies taking the attendant political and media attention into account.

For example, Jill has represented a Fortune Global 500/FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange) life sciences company in a multiyear Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation in the Middle East and Asia; a global charity in an investigation arising from allegations of diversion of humanitarian funds to designated terrorist organization in the Middle East; and the Audit Committee of a public life sciences company regarding allegations of accounting fraud, whistleblower retaliation, and violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) and False Claims Act (FCA).

Jill is an active member of the Atlanta legal community and has been a leader in a number of charitable, political, and diversity initiatives throughout her career, including those dedicated to increasing the number of women elected to public office.