Alec McNiff represents clients in complex civil litigation in state and federal courts and in employment matters, including wage and hour class actions and state and federal discrimination, retaliation, and harassment matters. He has experience in various stages of litigation, including factual investigation, fact and expert discovery, dispositive motion practice, and trial preparation.
Alec also maintains an active pro bono practice, representing refugees seeking asylum through Jones Day's Border Project.
Prior to rejoining Jones Day in 2024, Alec served as a law clerk to Judge Eli Richardson in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee.
- University of Michigan (J.D. cum laude 2022; Associate Editor, Michigan Journal of Law Reform); University of Southern California (B.S. in Business Administration 2018)
- California and U.S. District Courts for the Southern District of California and the Middle District of Tennessee
- Law Clerk to Judge Eli J. Richardson, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Tennessee (2023-2024); extern to Judge Patrick J. Bumatay, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (Summer 2020)
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