Dr. Dieter Strubenhoff


Frankfurt + 49.69.9726.3939

Dr. Dieter Strubenhoff verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Berufserfahrung bei komplexen gesellschafstrechtlichen und handelsrechtlichen Auseinandersetzungen. Er ist auf die Beratung und Vertretung von Mandanten in Verfahren vor den staatlichen deutschen Gerichten, in nationalen und internationalen Schiedsverfahren sowie anderen Verfahren alternativer Streitbeilegung spezialisiert, insbesondere Mediationsverfahren. Er ist außerdem als Schiedsrichter in DIS-, ICC-, VIAC- und anderen Schiedsverfahren tätig.

Sein Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt liegt auf komplexen gesellschafts- und handelsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten in diversen Bereichen und Branchen, darunter M&A, Energierecht, nationales und internationales Handelsrecht, Bau- und Anlagenbauprojekte, kartellrechtliche Schadenersatzklagen, Produkthaftungsrecht sowie insolvenzrechtliche Rechtsstreitigkeiten. Er berät zudem zu Compliance-Themen und vertritt Mandanten in Verfahren über mögliche Compliance-Verstöße, insbesondere bei der Geltendmachung und Abwehr von Schadensersatzansprüchen.

Dieter Strubenhoff war von 2000 bis 2002 in Moskau tätig und verfügt über besondere Expertise in der Beratung und Vertretung von Mandanten in Konfliktfällen mit Bezug zu Russland sowie Mittel- und Osteuropa.

Dieter Strubenhoff hält regelmäßig Vorträge zu prozess- und schiedsrechtlichen Themen und ist Autor mehrerer Veröffentlichungen in diesem Bereich. Er ist unter anderem Mitglied der DIS, der Law Society in London sowie der IBA.


  • International healthtech group defends against alleged damage claimsJones Day represents an international healthtech group in litigation initiated by customer who alleges claims for damages resulting from asserted defects in connection with the installation of medical systems.
  • International logistics group seeks early exit from long-term cooperation agreementJones Day advised an international logistics group on a dispute with a cooperation partner about the discontinuation of a highly sensitive long-term commercial cooperation agreement.
  • Automotive supplier defends against cartel damage claimsJones Day represents an international automotive supplier in cartel damage follow-on action.
  • International renewable energy group navigates product liability complexJones Day advises international renewable energy group on high-value dispute resulting from the supply of allegedly defective solar energy components with guidance on claims against component supplier and defence against potential customer claims.
  • Leading semiconductor group defends against alleged damage claimJones Day defends leading semiconductor group in international arbitration proceedings against claims for alleged damages in relation to the development of a highly innovative microchip.
  • Industrial machine producer challenges contract revocationJones Day represents an industrial machine producer in a dispute on the revocation of a supply contract for the supply of complex industrial manufacturing systems and related payment claims.
  • Industrial equipment producer fends off liability for factory explosionJones Day successfully defended industrial equipment producer against high value claims for damages resulting from a factory explosion allegedly caused by defective components supplied by the client.
  • International industrial group settles product liability claimsJones Day advises International industrial group on product liability claims against supplier of electrical components for turbines and facilitates successful settlement.
  • Japanese industrial conglomerate settles product liability claimsJones Day represented a Japanese industrial conglomerate in relation to damage claims for the alleged supply of defective electronic components for the solar industry.
  • Aurora Resurgence sells Alltub Group to One Equity PartnersJones Day advised Aurora Resurgence in the sale of portfolio company Alltub Group to One Equity Partners.
  • Development bank advised on enforcement of facilities to Kyrgyztan borrowerJones Day advised a leading emerging market development bank on a number of complex cross-border enforcement and recognition issues in respect of a Kyrgyzstani borrower with English law facilities, but relevant security and assets in Kyrgyzstan, Germany, Russia and Uzbekistan.
  • DPD acquires DPD SystemlogistikJones Day advised DPD GeoPost (Deutschland) GmbH, a subsidiary of La Poste S.A., in its acquisition of DPD Systemlogistic GmbH & Co. KG from General Logistics Systems Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, a subsidiary of Royal Mail Group Limited.
  • European constructor disputes innovative electrical installation on offshore fixed platform for North Sea wind farmJones Day represents a European constructor in a dispute with a customer under an EPCI contract for the innovative electrical installation on an offshore fixed platform for a North Sea wind farm.
  • European holding company negotiates terms for charter partiesJones Day is advising a European holding company on terms of proposed charter parties for ships to carry iron ore, coal, oil, and oil products.
  • PLDS Germany GmbH sells business units to Magna International Inc.Jones Day advised PLDS Germany GmbH in its sale of the head-up display and electronic components business units in Wetzlar, Germany and the ultrasonic sensor business in Hsinchu, Taiwan to Magna International Inc.
  • Global car manufacturer involved in claims arising out of car glass cartelJones Day is representing a global car manufacturer in German court proceedings in connection with antitrust claims arising out of the car glass cartel.
  • Japanese industrial group seeks advice in post M&A dispute involving purchase price adjustmentsJones Day is advising and representing a Japanese industrial group in relation to a post M&A dispute on purchase price adjustments in the chemicals sector.
    • 1. November 2011
      DIS40: Die Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Russland und den Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjetunion – Praktische Bedeutung für internationale Unternehmen, rechtliche Besonderheiten und die Gretchenfrage nach der Vollstreckbarkeit (Arbitration in Russia and the successor states of the Soviet Union - practical relevance to international undertakings, legal particularities and the crucial question of enforceability)
    • September 24, 2010
      Ambiguous Arbitration Clauses – consequences and strategies, DIS Regional Group Baltic States