Joel Soon


Singapur + 65.6233.5530

Joel Soon joined our New Lawyers Group (NLG) in 2024. The NLG provides our newest lawyers with the opportunity to gain exposure to different practice areas and lawyering styles before making a commitment to a specific practice. Individuals in the NLG may focus on a particular area of practice, or compare practices, during their first year with Jones Day. Joel will be focusing on international arbitration and disputes.

Prior to joining Jones Day, Joel was an associate in the largest law firm in Southeast Asia where he practiced international commercial litigation and arbitration under a senior counsel. Joel has been appointed as tribunal secretary in cross-border commercial arbitrations conducted under ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Centre), AIAC (Asian International Arbitration Centre), and UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) rules.

Joel has authored numerous articles on a variety of topics for international journals including the Journal of World Trade, Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, and Cambridge Law Review. Additionally, he is an adjunct lecturer at the Singapore Management University, where he teaches oral and written advocacy.

During law school, Joel's team represented Singapore in the world championship final of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and won all three top memorial prizes for producing the best memorials globally.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen

Publications Prior to Jones Day

December 2, 2022 
Jurisdictional Conflict Between the World Trade Organization and Regional Trade Agreements: Res Judicata Revisited (2022) 56(6) Journal of World Trade 899-914

November 7, 2022
Delimiting the Limits of an Arbitrator’s Mandate: Submission and Remission, Kluwer Arbitration Blog

October 18, 2022 
Non-Satisfaction of Pre-Arbitration Requirements: Moving Away from Conditions Precedent Towards the Admissibility of a Claim, (2022) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 450-463

September 27, 2022 
Dichotomy Between Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Illuminating the Twilight Zone BTN v BTP [2021] 1 SLR 276 (2022) 7(2) Cambridge Law Review, 153-167

September 21, 2022 
The Use of Expert Opinion Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: An Updated Framework (2021) Singapore Academy of Law Practitioner Journal 27

August 8, 2022 
A Comparative Analysis of Legislative Protection from Harassment: A View from Singapore (2022) 22(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 177-204

June 3, 2022 
The Power to Remit or Grant Costs After a Setting Aside? CBX v CBZ [2020] SGCA(I) 3 (2022) 34 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 703

February 21, 2022;
Doomed to Die? Causation in Medical Negligence (2022) 38(1) Journal of Professional Negligence 56-61

February 8, 2022
Bridging the Gap Between Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Evaluation of Westbridge Venture II Investment Holdings v Anupam Mittal, Kluwer Arbitration Blog