Miguel Bermúdez de Castro


Madrid + 34.91.520.3939

Miguel Bermúdez de Castro cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia representando a clientes nacionales e internacionales en asuntos societarios y financieros transfronterizos. Lidera la práctica de fusiones y adquisiciones, habiendo intervenido en transacciones de capital riesgo, reestructuración empresarial, proyectos de financiación, ofertas públicas y refinanciaciones. Miguel ha prestado asesoramiento en operaciones en una amplia gama de sectores como infraestructuras, tecnología, construcción, restauración, energía, inmobiliario, sanidad, deporte y comunicación. Asimismo, ha asesorado a muchas compañías españolas en su expansión internacional hacia nuevos mercados como Latinoamérica.

Miguel ha representado recientemente a Greystar en diversas adquisiciones e inversiones para desarrollar proyectos inmobiliarios en España; al grupo Geely en su joint venture con Renault para el desarrollo y suministro de motores híbridos de combustión a nivel global; a CBRE en diversas inversiones y adquisiciones para el desarrollo de plataformas logísticas; a Timken Company en la adquisición de Nadella Group; al Grupo Paraguas en la adquisición, inversión y desarrollo de diversos proyectos de restauración nacionales y extranjeros; a FleetCor Technologies en la adquisición de Global Reach Group; a Ahlström Capital BV y Nidoco AB en la adquisición de Decor Business de Ahlstrom-Munksjö; a Web Financial Group, junto con sus fondos Bridgepoint y Deustche Balaton, en la venta de su rama tecnológica; a la participada de EagleTree Capital, The Fuse Group, en la adquisición de la empresa líder en efectos audiovisuales El Ranchito; a ACS-Iridium en la desinversión del Hospital de Toledo; y a CBRE Global Investments Partners en la venta del grupo logístico Montepino.

Miguel es Secretario del Consejo de Administración de numerosas empresas y fundaciones y es profesor del Instituto de Empresa.


  • Société Générale sells Société Générale Equipment Finance's (SGEF) activitiesJones Day advised Société Générale in the sale of the professional equipment financing businesses operated by Societe Generale Equipment Finance (SGEF) to Groupe BPCE.
  • Geely forms joint venture with Renault Group to launch leading powertrain technology companyJones Day advised Geely Automobile Holdings Limited and Geely Holding Group on the creation of a 50/50 joint venture with Renault Group dedicated to becoming the global leader in developing, manufacturing, and supplying best-in-class hybrid and highly efficient internal combustion engine powertrains.
  • Greystar acquires land to construct and develop a student residence located in Cantoblanco (Madrid)Jones Day advised Greystar Real Estate Partners in the acquisition of a plot of land to construct and develop a student residence located in Cantoblanco (Madrid) through the purchase and sale of the shares of the company BCOME Madrid, S.L. that owns the land, prior cancellation of the surface right that said company had in its favor on the same land, owned by a third party.
  • Diebold Nixdorf successfully restructures over $2.7 billion in funded debt and completes the first-ever dual proceeding under the U.S. bankruptcy code and Dutch restructuring law in 71 daysIn the first-ever cross border restructuring involving dual main proceedings under chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and a scheme of arrangement (the "Dutch Scheme") under the Dutch Act on Confirmation of Extrajudicial Plans (Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord ("WHOA")), and the first-ever chapter 15 recognition of Dutch Scheme proceedings and a sanctioned WHOA reorganization plan (the "WHOA Plan"), Jones Day represented Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated ("Diebold") and certain of its U.S. and Canadian subsidiaries (the "Debtors") in connection with (i) the prepackaged chapter 11 cases of In re Diebold Holding Company, LLC, et al., (Case No. 23-90602-DRJ) commenced on June 1, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the "Bankruptcy Court"); (ii) the Dutch Scheme, commenced on June 1, 2023 by Diebold Nixdorf Dutch Holding B.V. (the "Dutch Issuer") in the District Court of Amsterdam (the "Dutch Court"), and (iii) the chapter 15 proceedings before the Bankruptcy Court commenced by the foreign representative of the Dutch Issuer, wherein the Bankruptcy Court recognized the Dutch Scheme proceeding as a foreign main proceeding and recognized and extended comity to the WHOA Plan that was sanctioned by the Dutch Court.
  • Timken acquires Nadella Group from ICGJones Day advised The Timken Company in the acquisition of Nadella Group, a leading European manufacturer of linear guides, telescopic rails, actuators and systems and other specialized industrial motion solutions, from ICG plc.
  • FLEETCOR acquires Global Reach GroupJones Day advised FLEETCOR Technologies, Inc. in the acquisition of Global Reach Group, a UK-based cross-border payments provider.
  • Grupo Paraguas acquires stake in international restaurant entityJones Day has advised Grupo Paraguas, a well-known group of food and beverage company in the investment of an equity stake in an international entity which develops and operates relevant and trending restaurants around the world in its launching in Madrid (Spain).
  • Ahlström Capital BV and Nidoco AB invest in the Decor business of Ahlstrom-MunksjöJones Day advised Ahlström Capital BV and Nidoco AB in the acquisition of the Decor business of Ahlstrom-Munksjö.
  • EagleTree Capital portfolio company acquires El RanchitoJones Day advised EagleTree Capital and its portfolio company, The Fuse Group, in the acquisition of El Ranchito, a world-renowned, high-end independent visual effects studio headquartered in Madrid, Spain, and a studio location in Barcelona.
  • Web Financial Group sells all its technology business to AllfundsJones Day represented Web Financial Group, S.A. in the sale of all its technology business to Allfunds, one of the world’s leading B2B WealthTech platforms for the fund industry.
  • Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.A. (ACS group) sells 80% stake in Nuevo Hospital de ToledoJones Day advised Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.A. (ACS group) in the €58 million sale of its 80% interest in Nuevo Hospital de Toledo, S.A. to BSIP Spain HoldCo, S.L., a company managed by Brookfield.
  • Cascades sells controlling interest in Reno De Medici to ApolloJones Day represented Cascades Inc. (TSX: CAS) in the sale of its 57.6% interest in dual-listed Reno De Medici S.p.A., a recycled cartonboard manufacturer listed on the Italian stock exchange (BIT: RM) and on the Madrid stock exchange (BME: RDM) with a market cap in excess of €500 million, to an affiliate of funds managed by Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE: APO) for an all-cash purchase price of €1.45 per share, corresponding to an overall consideration of €315.3 million.
  • Solmax acquires TenCate GeosyntheticsJones Day advised Groupe Solmax Inc. (Solmax), the global leader in the production of high-quality polyethylene geomembranes for industrial and environmental applications, and its shareholders (including institutional investors Caisse de dépot et placement du Québec and Fonds de Solidarité FTQ), in connection with Solmax’s acquisition of TenCate Geosynthetics Holding B.V., a global provider of geosynthetics and industrial fabrics, from Dutch conglomerate Koninklijke Ten Cate (Royal Ten Cate, the Netherlands), and advised on the related senior secured financing to support the acquisition.
  • CBRE Global Investors disposes of Spanish logistics portfolio to BankinterJones Day advised CBRE Global Investors, on behalf of its value-add fund European Value Partners (EVP 2), and its joint venture partner Valfondo (a developer and manager of Montepino logistics assets in Spain) on the sale to Bankinter of a portfolio of 22 Spanish logistics assets, totaling 865,000 sqm, together with a development pipeline of a further 13 logistics assets.
  • Hornblower Group acquires WalksJones Day advised Hornblower Group, Inc. in its acquisition of Walks, a technology-enabled services platform for sightseeing tours and travel activities.
  • Uniphore acquires Emotion Research Labs, S.L.Jones Day represented Uniphore Technologies Inc., an early leader in Conversational Service Automation (CSA), in its acquisition of Emotion Research Labs, S.L., a leading software developer that uses AI and machine learning, to identify emotion and engagement levels in real-time over video-based interactions.
  • Financial institution establishes joint venture investment vehicle for acquisition of receivables portfoliosJones Day advised an independent financial institution on the setup of a joint venture investment vehicle with EBN Banco for the acquisition of receivables portfolios of Spanish public administration.
  • Belden completes Grass Valley divestitureJones Day acted as Spanish counsel to Belden Inc. in the sale of its Live Media business ("Grass Valley") to Black Dragon Capital.
  • CBRE Global with Azora and Tamerlane acquires "Heart" of Vicente CalderonJones Day advised CBRE Global Investment Partners in its acquisition with Azora and Tamerlane to acquire and develop the best two plots in the Green Corridor of Madrid Rio, owned by the Football Club Atletico de Madrid and located in the former Vicente Calderon Football Stadium premises.
  • BANCALE, the Spanish Family Office divests 100% stake in distributor K-TuinJones Day provided legal advice to Bancale in the divestment of 100% stake in the distributor K-Tuin.
    • 25 de mayo, 2016
      Las multas a los directivos por infracción de la normativa de Competencia y la Responsabilidad Penal