Carla Calcagnile

Of Counsel

Milán + 39.02.7645.4001

Carla Calcagnile practices in the area of corporate income taxes and VAT (value-added tax), advising clients in connection with inbound and outbound cross-border tax matters. She also has extensive experience assisting clients on tax matters in connection with NPLs (nonperforming loans), securitization, structured and cross-border financings, M&A, private equity fund formation, and real estate transactions in the Italian domestic market.

Carla also has in-depth experience in EU tax laws, including the fairly recent so-called DAC6 (providing for mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements) and counsels clients on related risks and implications.

She also has substantial experience in taxation of employee stock options and benefits plans and data protection matters, including management of data breach notifications and drafting of policies and procedures for handling personal data.

In addition, Carla closely follows ESG (environmental, social, governance) developments in Italy and has advised clients on ESG matters, including on issues related to tax energy efficiency credits.

Carla spent three years in the New York Office advising U.S. clients investing in Italy.

She regularly represents clients in pro bono matters and is co-chair of the diversity and inclusion initiative in the Milan Office.