Silvia Malagón

Of Counsel

Ciudad de México + 52.55.3000.4011

Silvia Malagón cuenta con experiencia importante asesorando a empresas en cuestiones societarias relacionadas con el Mercado de Valores, Afores y empresas cotizadas en bolsa. Silvia ha participado activamente en el establecimiento en México de filiales de fondos de inversión y afores, y ha asesorado a numerosas entidades financieras locales así como a las filiales mexicanas de muchas instituciones financieras internacionales. Su experiencia también incluye la admisión de valores cotizados en Bolsa.

Su experiencia en fondos de inversión y afores incluye asesoría en materia regulatoria, así como en la solicitud de autorizaciones para la incorporación, el establecimiento y la transferencia de acciones, y la negociación y ejecución de acuerdos de adquisición. Además, Silvia participa activamente en fusiones y escisiones de entidades financieras.

Silvia impartió clases de Derecho Mercantil en la Universidad Iberoamericana.


  • Citibanamex Afore invests in Certificate of Investment ProjectsJones Day advised Citibanamex Afore, S.A. de C.V., a pension fund and affiliate of Citigroup Inc., in the design and implementation of an investment structure to participate in the public offering of trust certificates known as Certificate of Investment Projects (CERPI).
  • Fondos de Inversión Multiva, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Fondos de Inversión Multiva, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Scotia Solución 9, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Scotia Solución 9, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • +TASA MX, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised +TASA MX, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Scotia Estrategia 6, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Scotia Estrategia 6, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Principal Deuda AR, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day represented Principal Deuda AR, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Principal RV II, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Principal RV II, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Principal SAM 0, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Principal SAM 0, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Scotia Estrategia 4 prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Scotia Estrategia 4, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • NTEUSA and NORTEFP prepare legal documentation for liquidation of two mutual fundsJones Day advised NTEUSA, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda and NORTEFP, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda para Personas Morales in connection with their preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the liquidation of two mutual funds.
  • Sura Mila prepares legal documentation for incorporation of mutual fundJones Day advised Sura Mila, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of the legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Sura Moneda prepares legal documentation for incorporation of mutual fundJones Day advised Sura Moneda, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of the legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Multiva Fondo Activo prepares legal documentation for incorporation of mutual fundJones Day advised Multiva Fondo Activo, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Multiva Fondo Balanceado prepares legal documentation for incorporation of mutual fundJones Day advised Multiva Fondo Balanceado, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • Fondo Banorte prepares legal documentation for transformation of 10 mutual funds to comply with Financial ReformJones Day advised Fondo Banorte Ixe 1, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Financiero, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Fondo Patrimonial, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Fondo Común, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable; Ixe Fondo de Corto Plazo, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ntetrim, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Fondo de Alta Liquidez, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Fondo Premium, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Ixe Fondo de Mediano Plazo, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; and Ixe Fondo Divisas 2, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the transformation of the mutual funds to comply with the Financial Reform.
  • Multifondo de Alto Rendimiento prepares legal documentation for transformation of eight mutual funds to comply with Financial ReformJones Day advised Multifondo de Alto Rendimiento, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multifondo de la Mujer, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multifondo Empresarial, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multifondo Institucional, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multifondo de Ahorradores, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multisi, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; Multirentable, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda; and Multias, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversió de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the transformation of the Mutual Funds to comply with the Financial Reform.
  • Sura Diversificado, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda prepares for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Sura Diversificado, S.A. de C.V. Fondo de Inversión en Instrumentos de Deuda in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of the mutual fund.
  • AXA France Vie and AXA France IARD prepare legal documents to obtain registration of Financial AdvisorJones Day advised AXA France Vie and AXA France IARD in connection with the preparation of legal documents to obtain registration of a Financial Advisor before the National Banking and Securities Commission.
  • Ixe BNP Paribas de Acciones Mercados Emergentes prepares legal documentation for transformation of mutual fund to comply with Financial ReformJones Day advised Ixe BNP Paribas de Acciones Mercados Emergentes, S.A. de C.V., Fondo de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the transformation of the mutual fund to comply with the Financial Reform.
  • Scotia Objetivo 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 prepare for incorporation and listing of mutual fund on Mexican Stock Exchange and IndevalJones Day advised Scotia Objetivo 1 S.A. de C.V., Scotia Objetivo 2 S.A. de C.V., Scotia Objetivo 3 S.A. de C.V., Scotia Objetivo 4 S.A. de C.V., and Scotia Objetivo 5 S.A. de C.V., Fondos de Inversión de Renta Variable in connection with the preparation of legal documentation to obtain authorization before the National Banking and Securities Commission for the incorporation of mutual funds.