Johanna Oliver Rousseaux

Of Counsel

Miami + 1.305.714.9709

Johanna Rousseaux centra su práctica en la resolución de casos complejos en los tribunales de los Estados Unidos, así como de otros países y tribunales internacionales. Sus más de 30 años de experiencia en Latinoamérica y Europa, hacen que Johanna conozca a fondo los distintos contextos culturales en los que opera, y por ello aporta una perspectiva singular a la resolución de controversias. Colabora estrechamente con clientes, asesores jurídicos locales, testigos y peritos para desarrollar una estrategia coherente y adecuada que atienda a las exigencias que afronta en los distintos fueros y sistemas jurídicos. Johanna tiene amplia experiencia en litigios a nivel estatal, federal y en diversas instancias de apelación, así como en la preparación y presentación de pruebas en los tribunales estadounidenses en casos internacionales (discovery). También ha asesorado en arbitrajes internacionales y privados, en casos ante tribunales extranjeros y en mediaciones, y participado en trabajos de consultoría para organismos gubernamentales.

Johanna representa a una de las mayores empresas del mundo en el sector de energía y asesoró a dicha empresa en un caso histórico desarrollado en diversos países entre un gobierno extranjero, una empresa estatal petrolera, demandantes individuales y la coalición internacional de abogados y activistas que les apoyaban.

Johanna también es una abogada dedicada al trabajo pro bono, ganando repetidamente el reconocimiento de las agencias sin fines de lucro con las que colabora. Rousseaux ayudó a establecer el Proyecto Laredo de la Firma, que representa a mujeres en detención migratoria, y es una de las principales abogadas presentes en la frontera con Texas.

Antes de incorporarse a Jones Day, Johanna encabezó el programa de resolución y prevención de conflictos en la Fundación Arias, fundada por Oscar Arias, laureado del Premio Nobel de la Paz y presidente de Costa Rica. Trabajar estrechamente con el Dr. Arias le enseñó a Johanna el poder del liderazgo a través del servicio. Además de su trabajo pro bono, Johanna forma parte de la junta directiva de Americans for Immigrant Justice y del consejo ejecutivo de Women United, parte de United Way Miami-Dade.


  • Businessman and lawyer found to be entitled to return of money seized in investigationJones Day represented a prominent Latin American business man and lawyer in connection with the return of millions of dollars seized by the U.S. government.
  • Asylum granted to unaccompanied minors from GuatemalaJones Day successfully represented sisters K.C. and K.S., two unaccompanied minors from Guatemala, in obtaining asylum utilizing a novel "Cinderella" theory.
  • Businesswoman arbitrates breach of shareholder's agreement claims at ICCJones Day represented a businesswoman and philanthropist seeking injunctive and monetary relief through arbitration before the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) related to the breach of the shareholder's agreement for a company with operations in 17 countries in Latin America.
  • Chevron defends against allegations of environmental damage from oil seeps off coast of BrazilJones Day is serving as lead U.S. counsel for Chevron with respect to various legal and administrative proceedings arising out of oil seeps that occurred off the coast of Brazil in November 2011 and March 2012.
  • Aimetis Corp. settles DJ action regarding video surveillance patentJones Day represented Aimetis Corp. in a declaration judgment action relating to Hawk Technology Systems, LLC's U.S. Reissue Patent No. RE43,462, which is directed to video monitoring technology, and specifically to varying video streaming and image size in different windows on the same monitor.
  • March Networks settles DJ action regarding video surveillance patentJones Day represented March Networks Corporation in a declaration judgment action relating to Hawk Technology Systems, LLC's U.S. Reissue Patent No. RE43,462, which is directed to video monitoring technology, and specifically to varying video streaming and image size in different windows on the same monitor.
  • Genetec files declaratory judgment action against Hawk Technology Systems, LLCJones Day represented Genetec, Inc. in an action seeking a declaration that it did not infringe, and had intervening rights in, Hawk Technology Systems, LLC's U.S. Reissue Patent No. RE 43,462, claiming to cover video storage and display technology.
  • Jordan Aviation avoids foreclosure sale by CTS EnginesJones Day was retained by Jordan Aviation, an airline based in Amman, in connection with litigation for breach of contract pending in a Florida state court.
  • Chevron obtains discovery against former opposing counsel in long-running litigation in Ecuador and BIT Arbitration against Republic of EcuadorJones Day client Chevron Corporation has been involved in contentious litigation in Ecuador in which the plaintiffs have alleged billions of dollars in damages.
  • Chevron defends Ecuadorean cancer claimsJones Day successfully defended Chevron Corporation in a toxic tort case originally brought by seven Ecuadorians alleging they contracted cancer from Texaco's (Chevron's predecessor's) former operations in Ecuador.
  • Chevron pursues arbitration to enforce contractual right to indemnification against PetroecuadorJones Day represented Chevron Corporation in an arbitration initiated in June 2004 against Petroecuador, the state-owned oil company of Ecuador, to enforce a contractual right to indemnification under a Joint Operating Agreement.
    • October 22, 2018
      When International Law Intersects with Family and Immigration Law (FIU Law)
    • September 26, 2014
      International Maritime Arbitrations: You're Not In Florida Anymore (JAMS)