Alyssa Aubuchon represents leading financial institutions in complex commercial litigation. Alyssa's experience includes disputes concerning securities, derivatives, and other financial products.
Alyssa also has experience advising clients regarding litigation and regulatory risks relating to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters and represents financial institutions and other companies in ESG-related investigations and disputes.
Alyssa maintains an active pro bono practice, which includes assisting clients in the areas of immigration and women's rights.
Prior to law school, Alyssa was a classical cellist and music teacher.
- Washington University in St. Louis (J.D. magna cum laude 2021; Order of the Coif; Legal Practice Excellence Award; Articles Editor, Washington University Law Review); Truman State University (Bachelor of Music magna cum laude 2018)
- New York and U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York
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