Natalie Berkowitz focuses her practice on the representation of health care and life sciences companies. She represents hospitals, health systems, digital health companies, and pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers in regulatory, compliance, and enforcement matters.
Natalie maintains an active pro bono practice. She works with the Firm's Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force to raise awareness about and mitigate human trafficking-related risks in health care supply chains and educate health care providers on reporting and education requirements.
Natalie is a member of the Health Law Section of the Georgia Bar Association.
- Emory University (J.D. with honors 2022; Moot Court Society Nationals Team; Recipient, Health Law Certificate; M.P.H. 2022; Recipient, Doris W. and John E. McGowan, Sr., MD Scholarship); University of California, Berkeley (B.A. in Public Health cum laude 2018)
- Georgia
- Extern, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of the General Counsel (Spring 2021)
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