Alexis Désiré represents companies and individual clients in actions and investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). She also represents businesses in high-stakes securities litigation.
Prior to joining Jones Day in 2024, Alexis served as a law clerk to Justice Tamika Montgomery-Reeves of the Delaware Supreme Court. During her clerkship, she gained experience in a wide range of complex litigation matters with a focus on corporate events and claims. During law school, Alexis interned at the SEC in the Division of Enforcement and served as a law clerk for the United States Senate Judiciary and Rules Committees.
- University of Pennsylvania (J.D. magna cum laude 2021; Order of the Coif; Online Managing Editor, University of Pennsylvania Law Review); The University of Texas at Dallas (B.A. magna cum laude 2018)
- Texas and New York
- Law Clerk, United States Senate: Judiciary Committee (Spring and Summer 2021) and Rules Committee (Summer 2021); Intern, Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Enforcement (Fall 2020)
- Law Clerk to Justice Tamika Montgomery-Reeves, Delaware Supreme Court (2021-2022)
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