Summer Desloge advises private equity funds and their portfolio companies in M&A transactions. She has experience with a variety of deal structures, including mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and carveouts. She has also represented investors in the sale of partnership interests on the secondary market.
Prior to law school, Summer spent two months teaching English to children in Nepal.
Altre Pubblicazioni
- 2019
Clarity or Confusion?: The Economic Substance Doctrine and Its Statutory Counterpart, 46 J. Legis. 326 (2019).
- University of Notre Dame (J.D. magna cum laude 2021; Executive Articles Editor, Notre Dame Journal of Legislation); Clemson University (B.A. in Economics and Political Science cum laude 2017)
- Illinois
- Extern to Judge John Robert Blakey, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois (Summer 2019)
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