Tatjana Duff advises clients on competition law matters, including complex multijurisdictional merger control, behavioral issues, dominance matters, and competition compliance. She also advises on foreign direct investment (FDI) regimes including the United Kingdom's national security and investment regime.
Tatjana's recent experience includes advising Koch Equity Development, British Land, Corpay, Eni, and Greystar on merger control and investment screening issues in relation to a range of transactions. Tatjana also has advised clients on antitrust investigations by authorities in the United Kingdom and European Union.
- BPP Law School (Legal Practice Course with distinction 2021; Graduate Diploma in Law with distinction 2020); University of Edinburgh (M.A. Hons. in Russian Studies and Philosophy 2017; Recipient of the James Seth Prize for Excellence)
- Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales
- French, Spanish, and Russian
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