Tony Fares represents clients in complex federal and state litigation and government investigations throughout the United States.
Tony has experience in all aspects of litigation, including drafting pleadings and dispositive motions, conducting fact investigation and discovery, taking and defending depositions, and trial. His practice covers a broad range of legal matters, including consumer protection, privacy, trademark, trade secrets, breach of contract, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Tony also maintains an active pro bono practice and has represented asylum seekers in immigration proceedings and veterans in front of the Naval Discharge Review Board.
Altre Pubblicazioni
- January 2019
FCPA 2018 Year in Review - January 2018
FCPA 2017 Year in Review
- Columbia University (J.D. 2017; Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar; Columbia Journal of Environmental Law); University of California, Los Angeles (B.A. magna cum laude 2012; UCLA College Honors; Phi Beta Kappa)
- California; U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Central, and Northern Districts of California; and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
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