Gonzalo Hierro focuses his practice on commercial arbitration and litigation. He has represented a wide variety of clients in arbitrations administered by the main national and international arbitration centers as well as before the national courts at all levels.
Gonzalo assists clients in all the stages of the dispute resolution process, including prelitigation advice.
He is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the Madrid Bar Association, and the Spanish Arbitration Club.
- Fordham University (dual concentration LL.M. in Banking, Corporate, and Finance Law magna cum laude and in Technology Law 2018); ISDE/Higher Institute of Law and Economics (Master's in International Law 2015); University Carlos III (Master's in Legal Practice 2015); University Rey Juan Carlos (Law Degree 2014)
- Member 125325 of the Madrid Bar Association; New York
Best Lawyers (2021-2025) for Arbitration and Mediation, International Arbitration
The Legal 500 EMEA (2023-2024) — recommended lawyer for Dispute Resolution
- English and Spanish
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