Valkyrie Jensen counsels clients on a wide variety of complex labor and employment issues. Her practice focuses on traditional labor matters arising under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). She also assists clients with labor and employment issues in connection with mergers and acquisitions and other business transactions.
In addition, Valkyrie is dedicated to pro bono representation, primarily in asylum cases. She has participated in the Firm's Border Project by providing on-the-ground legal support to asylum clients at a detention facility in Laredo, Texas.
Prior to attending law school, Valkyrie served as a corps member for Teach For America and taught elementary school in Minneapolis and Saint Paul.
- University of Minnesota (J.D. magna cum laude 2021; Order of the Coif; Managing Editor, Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice; M.E. in Curriculum and Instruction 2017; B.S. in Developmental Psychology summa cum laude 2015)
- Minnesota and U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
- Law Clerk to Judge Susan Richard Nelson, U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota (2021-2022)
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