Logan Kirkes practices corporate law, with a focus on M&A and corporate governance. He has represented public, private, strategic, and sponsor clients in domestic and cross-border mergers, acquisitions, carve-outs, corporate restructurings, and venture and later-stage equity financings. Logan's practice also includes drafting and negotiating commercial contracts across a range of industries, including the automotive and electric vehicle charging sectors.
Logan maintains an active pro bono practice and is a member of the board of directors of the Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network (GAIN).
- Georgia State University (J.D. summa cum laude 2021; Order of the Coif; Associate Research Editor, Law Review; Recipient of CALI Awards in Property Law, Sales Law, and Urban Issues in Environmental Law); University of Georgia (B.B.A. in Economics 2018)
- Georgia
- Extern to Judge Walter W. Davis, Georgia State-wide Business Court (Fall 2020)
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